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author = {Imanol Mateo},
title = {Desktop Environment},
date = {2017-09-29},
url = {https://wiki.debian.org/DesktopEnvironment},
urldate = {2017-07-30},
keywords = {debian, desktop},
author = {Richard Kweskin},
title = {LTSP Howto},
date = {2017-09-23},
url = {https://wiki.debian.org/LTSP/Howto},
urldate = {2017-07-30},
keywords = {ltsp,howto},
author = {Alex Mestiashvili},
title = {LDAP PAM},
date = {2017-09-23},
url = {https://wiki.debian.org/LDAP/PAM},
urldate = {2017-07-30},
keywords = {debian,ldap,pam},
author = {jason Blewis},
title = {Setting up an LDAP server with OpenLDAP},
date = {2017-09-23},
url = {https://wiki.debian.org/LDAP/OpenLDAPSetup},
urldate = {2017-07-30},
keywords = {debian,openldap},
author = {ISC},
title = {dhcpd.conf},
date = {2017-09-29},
subtitle = {dhcpd configuration file},
edition = {4.3.5-3},
urldate = {2017-07-30},
author = {Carla Schroder},
title = {How to Write iptables Rules for IPv6},
date = {2017-09-29},
url = {https://www.linux.com/learn/intro-to-linux/2017/8/iptables-rules-ipv6},
urldate = {2017-08-04},
language = {english},
keywords = {network,ipv6},
author = {Dr. André Wiegand and Prof. Dr. Klaus Goldhammer and Sebastian Lehr and Prof. Norbert Pohlmann and Chris Wojzechowski and Johnny Hoang and Ole Jötten},
title = {Kompass IT-Verschlüsselung},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-02-20},
url = {http://www.bmwi.de/Redaktion/DE/Publikationen/Studien/kompass-it-verschluesselung.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=18},
subtitle = {Orientierungs- und Entscheidungshilfen für kleine und Mittlere Unternehmen},
organization = {Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie},
urldate = {2018-02-27},
file = {:../Dokumente/kompass-it-verschlüsselung.pdf:PDF},
title = {Debian -- The Universal Operating System},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-03-07},
url = {https://debian.org},
author = {Jürgen Schmidt and Ronald Eikenberg},
title = {Zum Heulen},
journal = {c't},
year = {2017},
date = {26.05.2017},
subtitle = {Krypto-Wurm WannaCry stiftet weltweit Chaos},
language = {german},
issue = {12},
pages = {20-21},
issn = {0724-8679},
keywords = {Erpressungs-Trojaner, Krypto-Wurm WannaCry, NSA, Ransomware, Sicherheitslücken, Verschlüsselung},
title = {BayLDA - Windows 10 Investigation Report},
institution = {Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-09-18},
type = {resreport},
language = {Englisch},
pagetotal = {19},
url = {http://www.lda.bayern.de/media/windows_10_report.pdf},
file = {Prüfbericht Windows 10:/home/tobieseb/Dokumente/abschlussarbeit/Dokumente/windows_10_report.pdf:PDF},
organization = {Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht},
title = {SOGo},
url = {https://sogo.nu},
title = {Openproject},
url = {https://openproject.org/},
title = {Fusiondirectory},
url = {http://fusiondirectory.org/},
@Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:biblatex;}