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// Package db is an middleware that manages multiple database pools and provides applications with an way to access the database
package db
import (
// ContextKey is the key that is used in a gin.Context to get the Middleware
const ContextKey string = "db"
// ConnGet is an function that returns an connection instance.
type ConnGet func(string) *pgxpool.Conn
var _ ConnGet = NewMiddleware().GetConn
var _ middleware.Middleware = &Middleware{}
var _ middleware.PostSetupMiddleware = &Middleware{}
// GetConnection is an simple helper function that returns an connection to the db
func GetConnection(c *gin.Context, db string) (*pgxpool.Conn, error) {
if co, ok := c.Get(ContextKey); ok {
return co.(ConnGet)(db), nil
return nil, errors.New("No db.Middleware set up. ")
// Middleware return a handler that sets the db into the context of every request.
// uri is an url in the form dbtype:connectargs
type Middleware struct {
databases map[string]*pgxpool.Pool
lock sync.Mutex
// NewMiddleware return an initialized Middleware Object.
func NewMiddleware() *Middleware {
return &Middleware{
databases: make(map[string]*pgxpool.Pool),
// AddDB adds an db connection to the middleware.
func (m *Middleware) AddDB(name, uri string) (err error) {
if m.databases == nil {
m.databases = map[string]*pgxpool.Pool{}
var (
db *pgxpool.Pool
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Could not open the database")
return err
db, err = pgxpool.New(context.TODO(), uri)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Could not open the database")
return err
defer m.lock.Unlock()
if olddb, found := m.databases[name]; found {
m.databases[name] = db
func (m *Middleware) getconn(name string) *pgxpool.Conn {
if db, found := m.databases[name]; found {
conn, err := db.Acquire(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("Could not get the connection from the pool %s", name)
return nil
return conn
return nil
// GetConn returns a connection from the specified database or if not found one of the default database.
func (m *Middleware) GetConn(name string) *pgxpool.Conn {
defer m.lock.Unlock()
if conn := m.getconn(name); conn != nil {
return conn
conn := m.getconn("default")
return conn
// Gin is the Entrypoint for Gin.
func (m *Middleware) Gin(c *gin.Context) {
c.Set(ContextKey, m.GetConn)
// Setup adds the connections from the configfile into the middleware
func (m *Middleware) Setup(mc middleware.Config) {
for key, value := range mc {
dsn := value.(string)
err := m.AddDB(key, dsn)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to parse the config")
// Defaults returns an default config for connections
func (*Middleware) Defaults() middleware.Config {
return map[string]any{
"default": "host=/run/postgresql port=5432 dbname=httpserver",
// Teardown closes the DBConnection
func (m *Middleware) Teardown() {
for name, pool := range m.databases {
log.Info().Msgf("Starting to close databasepool %s", name)
log.Info().Msgf("Closed Databasepool %s", name)
// PostSetup is an function for getting the migrations of the site
func (m *Middleware) PostSetup(sites []any) (err error) {
defer m.lock.Unlock()
var (
conn *pgxpool.Conn
mig *migrate.Migrator
db *pgxpool.Pool
for _, s := range sites {
if site, ok := s.(MigrationSite); ok {
db, ok = m.databases[site.Database()]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to get the database. The Databasepool %s does not exist", site.Database())
conn, err = db.Acquire(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
defer conn.Release()
mig, err = site.Migrations(conn.Conn())
err = mig.Migrate(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
if poolsite, ok := s.(PoolSite); ok {
func logmigrations(version int32, name, dir string, sql string) {
log.Info().Int32("version", version).Str("name", name).Str("dir", dir).Msgf("Running Migration %s with version %d in %sward direction", name, version, dir)
// MigrationSite is an interface for Sites that use an database.
// this enables sites to provide database migrations.
type MigrationSite interface {
Database() string
Migrations(*pgx.Conn) (*migrate.Migrator, error)
// PoolSite is an interface for site that need access to the pool outside of requests
type PoolSite interface {
// SetupMigrator sets up the migrator to migrate the database.
func SetupMigrator(prefix string, connection *pgx.Conn, migrations fs.FS) (mig *migrate.Migrator, err error) {
mig, err = migrate.NewMigratorEx(
DisableTx: false,
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Error while creating the migrator")
mig.OnStart = logmigrations
mig.Data["prefix"] = prefix
err = mig.LoadMigrations(migrations)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Error while loading migrations")
log.Trace().Interface("migrations", mig.Migrations).Interface("data", mig.Data).Err(err).Send()