#!/usr/bin/python3 import pathlib from typing import List, Union try: from ansible_module.module_utils.generic import SYSTEMD_SERVICE_CONFIG, Types, modspec from ansible_module.module_utils.module import SystemdReloadMixin, SystemdUnitModule, installable except ImportError: from ansible_collections.sebastian.base.plugins.module_utils.generic import SYSTEMD_SERVICE_CONFIG, Types, modspec from ansible_collections.sebastian.base.plugins.module_utils.module import SystemdReloadMixin, SystemdUnitModule, installable @installable class Module(SystemdUnitModule, SystemdReloadMixin): # type: ignore """Creates socket units.""" name = "socket" module_spec = modspec( argument_spec=dict( name=Types.str(required=True, help="Name of the socket"), stream=Types.list( Types.str( help="Name of the stream socket. The name can be a path, an portnumber or an ip with an port. addresses in square brackets are always ipv6 addresses" ) ), datagram=Types.list( Types.str( help="Name of the datagram socket. The name can be a path, an portnumber or an ip with an port. addresses in square brackets are always ipv6 addresses" ) ), sequential=Types.list( Types.str( help="Name of the sequential socket. The name can be a path, an portnumber or an ip with an port. addresses in square brackets are always ipv6 addresses" ) ), fifo=Types.list(Types.path(help="Name of the fifo. The name must be an absolute path")), socketuser=Types.str(help="User that owns the socket/fifo"), socketgroup=Types.str(help="Group that owns the socket/fifo"), socketmode=Types.str(help="mode of the socket in octal notation", default="0666"), service=Types.list(str, help="Name of the services that use this socket"), ), required_one_of=(("stream", "datagram", "sequential", "fifo"),), ) restartable = False def prepare(self): self.unitfile = (SYSTEMD_SERVICE_CONFIG / self.get("name")).with_suffix(".socket") self.__unit = None def socket(self): section = "[Socket]\n" section += "".join( self.map_param( stream="ListenStream", datagram="ListenDatagram", sequential="ListenSequential", fifo="ListenFIFO", socketuser="SocketUser", socketgroup="SocketGroup", socketmode="SocketMode", ) ) return section def unit(self) -> str: if self.__unit is None: self.__unit = "\n".join( ( self.header(), self.socket(), self.install(), ) ) return self.__unit DOCUMENTATION = """--- description: - Creates socket units. module: socket options: after: default: [] description: - list of units that this unit wants to be started after this unit elements: str required: false type: list before: default: [] description: - list of units that this unit needs to be started before this unit. elements: str required: false type: list datagram: default: [] elements: str required: false type: list description: description: - An description for programs that access systemd required: false type: str documentation: default: [] description: - Paths where documentation can be found elements: str required: false type: list fifo: default: [] elements: path required: false type: list name: description: - Name of the socket required: true type: str partof: default: [] description: - list of units that this unit is part of. - If the restart this unit does it too, but if this restarts it does not affect the other units. elements: str required: false type: list required_by: default: [] description: - systemd units that require this mount elements: str required: false type: list requires: default: [] description: - list of units that this unit requires. If it fails or can't be started this unit fails. without before/after this is started at the same time elements: str required: false type: list sequential: default: [] elements: str required: false type: list service: default: [] description: - Name of the services that use this socket elements: str required: false type: list socketgroup: description: - Group that owns the socket/fifo required: false type: str socketmode: default: '0666' description: - mode of the socket in octal notation required: false type: str socketuser: description: - User that owns the socket/fifo required: false type: str stream: default: [] elements: str required: false type: list wanted_by: default: [] description: - systemd units that want the mount, but not explicitly require it. Commonly used for target if not service explicitly require it. elements: str required: false type: list wants: default: [] description: - list of units that this unit wants. If it fails or can't be started it does not affect this unit elements: str required: false type: list short_description: Creates socket units. """ if __name__ == "__main__": Module()()