! uMatrix: Ruleset recipes 1.0 ! Title: Meine Regeln für websites # These sites are globally blocked * googleoptimize.com * block # German Ausweis app requires this: * * allow https-strict: false * localhost * allow https-strict: localhost false # CDNs * ajax.googleapis.com script allow * bootstrapcdn.com script allow * datatables.net script allow * jsdelivr.net script allow * hcaptcha.com script allow * polyfill.io script allow * search-api.swiftype.com * allow * swiftypecdn.com * allow # special sites that are included in other sites * api.hcaptcha.com xhr allow * api2.hcaptcha.com xhr allow * newassets.hcaptcha.com frame allow * newassets.hcaptcha.com xhr allow # Individual allows ansible.com redhat.com * allow kobo.com kbstatic1-a.akamaihd.net script allow ardmediathek.de ard.de * allow ardmediathek.de daserste.de * allow ardmediathek.de hrhlsde.akamaized.net media allow ardmediathek.de media.tagesschau.de media allow github.com githubassets.com * allow gog.com gog-statics.com * allow grafana.com discourse-cdn.com * allow # these are read the docs alias domains palletsprojects.com readthedocs.org * allow