342 Zeilen
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342 Zeilen
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package httpserver
import (
intlog "log"
func init() {
gin.DebugPrintRouteFunc = func(httpMethod, absolutePath, handlerName string, nuHandlers int) {
log.Debug().Msgf("%-4s(%02d): %-20s %s", httpMethod, nuHandlers, absolutePath, handlerName)
// Config that is used to map the toml config to the settings that are used.
type Config struct {
Addr []string
TLSAddr []string
TLSconfig *tls.Config `toml:"-"`
Certfile string
Keyfile string
Sites map[string]SiteConfig
Middleware map[string]middleware.Config
// Server is an wrapper for the *http.Server and *gin.Engine
type Server struct {
http *http.Server
Conf *Config
mrouter map[string]*gin.Engine
sites map[string]Site
menu []menus.Menu
template *pongo2.TemplateSet
NotFoundHandler http.Handler
routines sync.WaitGroup
setup bool
authh auth.AuthenticationHandler
middleware gin.HandlersChain
advmiddleware map[string]middleware.Middleware
alldomainsites []Site
// CreateServer creates an server that can be run in a coroutine.
func CreateServer() *Server {
log.Info().Msg("Redirect logging output to zerolog")
gin.DefaultErrorWriter = log.Logger.With().Str("source", "GIN").Logger()
gin.DefaultWriter = log.Logger.With().Str("source", "GIN").Logger()
log.Info().Msg("Creating HTTP-Server")
var server = &Server{
Conf: &Config{
TLSconfig: &tls.Config{},
Sites: map[string]SiteConfig{},
Middleware: map[string]middleware.Config{},
mrouter: map[string]*gin.Engine{},
authh: &auth.AnonAccountHandler{},
menu: []menus.Menu{},
NotFoundHandler: http.NotFoundHandler(),
sites: map[string]Site{},
middleware: gin.HandlersChain{},
template: pongo2.NewSet("templates", &templates.EmptyLoader{}),
advmiddleware: map[string]middleware.Middleware{},
alldomainsites: []Site{},
server.http = &http.Server{
ErrorLog: intlog.New(log.Logger, "", 0),
Handler: http.HandlerFunc(server.DomainRouter),
return server
// runPort runs a listener on the port. his enables th server to serve more than a address.
func (s *Server) runPort(address string, tls bool) {
defer s.routines.Done()
var socket net.Listener
var err error
var unix string
if funcs.IsTCP(address) {
socket, err = net.Listen("tcp", address)
if funcs.IsUnix(address) {
unix = "Unix-"
socket, err = net.Listen("unix", address)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("failed to open socket on %s", address)
if socket == nil {
log.Error().Msg("Failed to identify the sockettype")
if tls {
log.Info().Msgf("starting listen on secure %ssocket %s", unix, address)
err = s.http.ServeTLS(socket, s.Conf.Certfile, s.Conf.Keyfile)
} else {
log.Info().Msgf("starting listen on %ssocket %s", unix, address)
err = s.http.Serve(socket)
if err != http.ErrServerClosed {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Socket unexpected exited")
// SetAuthentication sets the handler that is responsible for authentication
func (s *Server) SetAuthentication(a auth.AuthenticationHandler) {
s.authh = a
// StartServer starts the server as configured and sends the errormessage to the log.
// it blocks until all ports are closed.
func (s *Server) StartServer() {
if !s.setup {
log.Error().Msg("Server not set up")
log.Info().Msg("Starting server")
s.http.TLSConfig = s.Conf.TLSconfig
if s.Conf.Certfile != "" && s.Conf.Keyfile != "" {
for _, addr := range s.Conf.TLSAddr {
go s.runPort(addr, true)
for _, addr := range s.Conf.Addr {
go s.runPort(addr, false)
// DomainRouter redirects the requests to the routers of the domains
func (s *Server) DomainRouter(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var domain string
if r.URL.Host != "" {
domain = r.URL.Host
} else if r.Host != "" {
domain = r.Host
} else if r.Header.Get("X-Original-Host") != "" {
domain = r.Header.Get("X-Original-Host")
r.Host = domain
r.URL.Host = domain
trch := log.Trace()
for header, value := range map[string][]string(r.Header) {
trch.Strs(header, value)
if router, found := s.mrouter[domain]; found {
router.ServeHTTP(w, r)
log.Error().Msgf("Failed to find domain for %s", domain)
var entrys []string
for d := range s.mrouter {
entrys = append(entrys, d)
log.Trace().Strs("registred domains", entrys).Msg("domain not found")
s.NotFoundHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// Use installs the middleware into the router.
// The Middleware must be able to detect multiple calls byy itself. Deduplication is not performed.
func (s *Server) Use(m ...gin.HandlerFunc) {
s.middleware = append(s.middleware, m...)
for _, site := range s.mrouter {
// Stop Shuts the Server down
func (s *Server) Stop(ctx context.Context) {
log.Info().Err(s.http.Shutdown(ctx)).Msg("Server Shut down.")
for _, s := range s.sites {
if ts, ok := s.(TeardownSite); ok {
func (s *Server) menus() []menus.Menu {
return s.menu
func maptoarray(m map[string]Site) (a []any) {
for _, i := range m {
a = append(a, i)
func (s *Server) newrouter(domain string) *gin.Engine {
log.Info().Msgf("Setting up router for %s", domain)
router := gin.New()
router.Use(func(c *gin.Context) {
c.Set(constants.Domain, domain)
c.Set(constants.Menus, s.menus)
c.Set(constants.Accounts, s.authh.Account(c))
router.HTMLRender = templates.NewPongo2Renderer(s.template)
s.mrouter[domain] = router
for _, site := range s.alldomainsites {
return router
func unequal[T comparable](i T) func(t T) bool {
return func(t T) bool {
return t != i
// Setup sets the server up. It loads the sites and prepare the server for startup.
// The Midleware and the site are setup in this Order:
// 1. Middleware.Setup
// 2. Site.Init
// 3. Middleware.Sites
// 4. Site.Setup
func (s *Server) Setup() {
log.Info().Msg("Perparing server for start")
var (
router *gin.Engine
found bool
site Site
cfg string
for cfg, m := range s.advmiddleware {
var config SiteConfig
var err error
for cfg, site = range s.sites {
config, found = s.Conf.Sites[cfg]
var domain = "*"
var path = "/"
if found {
if generic.Valid(config["domain"], unequal("")) {
domain = config["domain"].(string)
if generic.Valid(config["path"], unequal("")) {
path = config["path"].(string)
log.Debug().Str("domain", domain).Str("path", path).Msgf("setting up site %s", cfg)
if domain != "*" {
if router, found = s.mrouter[domain]; !found {
router = s.newrouter(domain)
group := router.Group(config["path"].(string))
} else {
s.alldomainsites = append(s.alldomainsites, site)
for _, router = range s.mrouter {
for _, m := range s.advmiddleware {
if psm, ok := m.(middleware.PreSetupMiddleware); ok {
if err = psm.PreSetup(maptoarray(s.sites)); err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to setup midddleware (pre-site-setup). Stopping with the setup")
for cfg, site = range s.sites {
config := s.Conf.Sites[cfg]
if ms, ok := site.(menus.MenuSite); ok {
menus := ms.Menu(config["domain"].(string))
log.Debug().Msgf("%d menus are added", len(menus))
s.menu = append(s.menu, menus...)
if ts, ok := site.(templates.TemplateSite); ok {
templates := ts.Templates()
if templates == nil {
log.Error().Msgf("Site %s had an empty templateloader", cfg)
} else {
if cs, ok := site.(ConfigSite); ok {
if err = cs.Setup(config); err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("Failed to setup site with config %s", cfg)
for _, m := range s.advmiddleware {
if psm, ok := m.(middleware.PostSetupMiddleware); ok {
if err = psm.PostSetup(maptoarray(s.sites)); err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to setup midddleware (post-site-setup). Stopping with the setup")
s.setup = true
// RegisterSite adds an site to the engine as its own grouo
// it registers the defaults so that the application can load/dump it from/into an configfile or commandline options
func (s *Server) RegisterSite(cfg string, site Site) {
if cs, ok := site.(ConfigSite); ok {
var config = cs.Defaults()
if _, found := config["domain"]; !found {
config["domain"] = ""
if _, found := config["path"]; !found {
config["path"] = ""
s.Conf.Sites[cfg] = config
s.sites[cfg] = site
// RegisterMiddleware registers middleware that has avanced functions, like persistence.
// That middleware allows configuration with the Setup Method and the Teardown allows an safe method for closing connections and shutting down.
// Middleware will be set up before sites.
func (s *Server) RegisterMiddleware(cfg string, m middleware.Middleware) {
s.Conf.Middleware[cfg] = m.Defaults()
s.advmiddleware[cfg] = m